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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hello! I just started school again today, 10th grade, Whoo! I have some pretty good classes but this isnt what im talking about this post! I am talking about the new world... Of Wysteria!! Yes, its an UNANNOUNCED world, sort of. There was an announcement a few weeks ago, (or so i read, im not sure when it was) that there was going to be a surprise for level 25+ wizards!! They have Schools like Wizard City, But wait!! Wysteria IS Wizard City! It used to be a MailRoom type world in the WizardCity chain (Like Japan, i guess) but now its Pigsworth Acadamy! It reminds me of Hogswart from The Harry Potter series, (EPIC movies, havent finished the books yet though!) Heres a pic i accidentally took:

Thats Test Realm Bone Dragon, :(, And i spent most of my crowns, and i tried with my newbby Myth Wiz, and got it in one try :P Now, do you see that pig wizard? There are different colors of them EVERYWHERE! Heres the different Schools: 
The school of Tempest (Storm)
The School of Ember (Fire)
The School of Eqauilibrium (Balance)
The School of Spirit (Death)
The School of Frost (Ice)
The School of Chaos (Myth)
The School of Earth (Life)

Also, Some theory Crafting. Maybe this is just Hopefulness, but maybe eventually you will be able to create a charector out of the many races that goes to this school and go there, or maybe a whole new game entirely. Like being able to choose your race, but it will probobally be a pig. I have always wanted a new race/class for this game!
Also, the podcast is upgraded from a maybe-no to a maybe or maybe-yes. Lets hope! Until then...


Angel UnicornDreamer

UPDATE: After going in to the Headmistress' Office and seeing the Headmistress, my theory is shes Morganthe in disguise :)

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